What is the definition of infertility?
The Definition of Infertility is the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. Doctors only look at a couple if they haven’t gotten pregnant after a year. If the lady is above 35, in which case it’s worth getting started sooner. She has a lower chance of becoming pregnant the longer she waits. It’s also known as primary infertility.
When a patient has been unable to conceive their first child, or when they have already had a kid and are having difficulty with their second or third, this is referred to as secondary infertility. In general, about 15% of couples have difficulty conceiving. The first step in diagnosing and treating infertility is to figure out what’s causing it. The easiest approach to comprehend the causes is to consider all of the phases involved in becoming pregnant and where a problem could arise. Understanding the menstrual cycle is advised since it is critical to know how the eggs mature and ovulation occurs each month.
First and foremost, the pair must engage in regular, non-contraceptive sexual activity. They should have sex every two to three days, and while pregnancy is more likely when they have intercourse around ovulation, timing the intercourse is not recommended because it can cause worry and pressure. It’s preferable to have consistent intercourse throughout the cycle.
The vagina, the cervix (womb neck), the uterus (where the baby grows), and the fallopian tubes (which lead to the ovaries) are some of the markers here. Let’s look at the process of getting pregnant now that a couple is having frequent intercourse.
The basics of pregnancy anatomy and physiology.
First, an egg must mature in the ovary before being released in a process known as ovulation. This occurs on a 14 to 28-day cycle. It takes place 14 days before the start of the next menstruation. So, if the cycle is 34 days long, subtract 14, and ovulation occurs on day 20; if it is 24 days long, deduct 14, and ovulation occurs on day 10. The egg must subsequently be fertilised by sperm. As a result, sperm are released into the vaginal canal during sex. They subsequently make their way through the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. The egg and sperm come together in the fallopian tubes. They must be able to fertilise the egg once they reach it. Once fertilised, the cell must go back down the tubes into the uterus and implant into the endometrium, or uterine lining.