What must I do if a kid in my care has monkeypox symptoms?
The monkeypox rash may resemble other viral infections and other typical childhood illnesses like chickenpox. If a child in your care has signs that might point to monkeypox, get medical advice. They will help get them examined out and the necessary care.
Children may have serious monkeypox more frequently than adults. They should be closely monitored up until they feel better in case they need more treatment. The child’s health care provider can advise that they obtain treatment in a hospital. They will be allowed to isolate in this situation if their parent or caregiver is healthy and at low risk of getting monkeypox.
What are the risks of contracting the monkeypox when nursing?
More research is required on the risks of monkeypox during pregnancy as well as the means by which the virus might infect the foetus in the womb, the baby during or after birth, or a nursing child. The foetus may suffer injury from monkeypox during pregnancy, according to the present body of information.
If you’re expecting, stay away from somebody who has monkeypox. Anyone who comes into contact with an infected individual can get monkeypox, regardless of who they are.
If you suspect you may have been exposed to monkeypox or if you have symptoms that might indicate monkeypox, get in touch with your doctor. They will help you receive the necessary testing and treatment.
Can I still breastfeed if I’ve been diagnosed with monkey pox?
If you have monkeypox that has been identified or if you think you might have it, seek advice from your doctor. We will assess the risk of not breastfeeding your kid as well as the risk of spreading monkeypox. If you are able to continue nursing and keep intimate contact, they will advise you on how to reduce the risk by taking precautions like covering your lesions and wearing a mask to reduce the chance of spreading the virus.
The risk of infection must be carefully weighed against the potential harm and suffering that might result from ceasing breastfeeding and from keeping close contact between parent and child.
If the monkeypox virus may spread from mother to child through nursing, additional study has to be done.