What symptoms occurs to those who receive COVID-19?

About 80% of people who experience symptoms recover from the illness without needing hospital care. 5 percent have dangerously ill conditions that require intensive care and 15 percent become seriously unwell and need oxygen.

Respiratory failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sepsis and septic shock, thromboembolism, and/or multiorgan failure, including harm to the heart, liver, or kidneys, are all complications that can result in mortality.

Rarely, a few weeks following infection, children may experience a severe inflammatory condition.

Symptoms of Covid-19
Symptoms of Covid-19

Who is most susceptible to developing a serious disease from COVID-19?

The chance of having a major illness is higher in those over the age of 60 and in people with underlying medical conditions including high blood pressure, heart and lung issues, diabetes, obesity, or cancer.

But anyone can contract COVID-19, get extremely ill, and pass away at any age.

Does COVID-19 have any long-term effects?

Whether they required hospitalisation or not, some COVID-19 patients still experience symptoms, such as fatigue, respiratory, and neurological issues.

In order to design and conduct studies of patients beyond the initial acute course of illness, WHO is collaborating with our Global Technical Network for Clinical Management of COVID-19, researchers, and patient organisations around the world. This will help us understand the percentage of patients who experience long-term effects, how long they last, and why they happen. Further patient care recommendations will be developed using the findings of these research.

If we don’t know who is infected, how can we safeguard both ourselves and others?

Maintaining physical distance, using a mask, keeping rooms well-ventilated, avoiding crowds and close contact, routinely washing your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue are all basic actions that can help you stay safe. Where you live and work, check the local advice. All of it!

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