The cerebrum is made up of gray matter (the cerebral cortex) and white matter (front of the brain). The cerebrum, the brain’s largest area, regulates temperature and governs and directs movement. Other areas of the cerebrum permit speech, judgment, thinking and reasoning, problem-solving, emotions, and learning. Other functions cover vision, hearing, touch, and other senses.
The cerebrum (also known as the telencephalon or endbrain) is the largest region of the brain, containing the cerebral cortex (one of the two cerebral hemispheres) and various subcortical structures such as the hippocampus, basal ganglia, and olfactory bulb. The cerebrum is the topmost portion of the central nervous system of the human brain. The cerebrum grows from the forebrain during pregnancy (prosencephalon). The cerebral cortex grows from the dorsal telencephalon, or pallium, while the basal ganglia develop from the ventral telencephalon, or subpallium, in animals. The cerebrum is also separated into left and right cerebral hemispheres that are roughly symmetric.
The cerebrum is the brain’s biggest portion. It can be found in front of or on top of the brainstem, depending on the animal’s posture. The cerebrum is the largest and most developed of the brain’s five primary divisions in humans.
The cerebrum consists of the two cerebral hemispheres, their cerebral cortices (the outer layers of grey matter), and the underlying portions of white matter. Among its subcortical structures are the hippocampus, basal ganglia, and olfactory bulb. The cerebrum is separated into two C-shaped cerebral hemispheres by a deep longitudinal fissure. The cerebrum is made up of two C-shaped cerebral hemispheres which are divided by the longitudinal fissure also called a deep fissure.
The cerebrum, with the help of the cerebellum, is in charge of all voluntary acts in the human body.
Cerebral Cortex
The cortex is the gray matter that covers the cerebrum’s outer layer. Because of its folds, the cortex has a huge surface area and accounts for around half of the brain’s weight. Only mammals have a cerebral cortex, which is the cerebrum’s outer layer of grey matter. The surface of the cerebral cortex folds in larger mammals, including humans, to produce gyrus gyri (ridges) and sulci (furrows), which increase surface area.
Frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes are the four lobes of the cerebral cortex. The overlying neurocranial bones are used to categorize the lobes.
Hemispheres are two parts of the cerebral cortex. Ridges and folds cover the surface. The two halves meet in a huge, deep sulcus that extends from the front to the back of the head (the interhemispheric fissure, AKA the medial longitudinal fissure). The left side of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere, whereas the right side is controlled by the left half. The corpus callosum, a huge C-shaped structure of white matter and nerve pathways that connects the two hemispheres, serves as a conduit for communication between them. In the core of the cerebrum is the corpus callosum.